Following this code will help to protect children from abuse and inappropriate behavior from adults. It will also help staff and volunteers to maintain the standard of behavior expected of them and will reduce the possibility of unfounded allegations of abuse being made against them.
Upholding this code of behavior
All members of staff and volunteers are expected to report any breaches of this code to (name of person or name of role that breaches should be reported to) under the whistle-blowing procedure or, if necessary, under child protection procedures.
Staff and volunteers who breach this code of behavior may be subject to Newstars Futbol Academy’s disciplinary procedures. Any breach of the code involving a volunteer or member of staff from another agency may result in them being asked to leave Newstars Futbol Academy
Serious breaches may also result in a referral being made to a statutory agency such as the police, the local authority children’s social care department and/or the Independent Safeguarding Authority.
When working with children and young people for Newstars Futbol Academy all staff and volunteers are acting in a position of trust. It is important that staff and volunteers are aware that they may be seen as role models by children and young people, and must act in an appropriate manner at all times.
When working with children and young people, it is important to:
– operate within Newstars Futbol Academy’s principles and guidelines and any specific procedures;
– follow the Newstars Futbol Academy’s child protection policy and e-safety policy and procedures at all times;
– listen to and respect children at all times;
– avoid favoritism;
– treat children and young people fairly and without prejudice or discrimination;
– value and take children’s contributions seriously, actively involving children and young people in planning activities wherever possible;
– ensure any contact with children and young people is appropriate and in relation to the work of the project;
– always ensure language is appropriate and not offensive or discriminatory;
– follow the e-safety policy and report any breaches;
– always ensure equipment is used safely and for its intended purpose;
– provide examples of good conduct you wish children and young people to follow;
– challenge unacceptable behavior and report all allegations/suspicions of abuse;
– ensure that whenever possible, there is more than one adult present during activities with children and young people or if this isn’t possible, that you are within sight or hearing of other adults;
– be close to where others are working. If a child specifically asks for or needs some private time with you, ensure other staff should know where you and the child are;
– respect a young person’s right to personal privacy;
– encourage young people and adults to feel comfortable and caring enough to point out attitudes or behavior they do not like;
– recognize that special caution is required when you are discussing sensitive issues with children or young people.
You must not:
– patronize or treat children and young people as if they are silly;
– allow allegations to go unreported;
– develop inappropriate relationships such as contact with children and young people that is not a part of the work of Newstars Futbol Academy or agreed with the manager or leader;
– conduct a sexual relationship with a child or young person or indulge in any form of sexual contact with a child or young person. Any such behavior between an adult member of staff or volunteer and a child or young person using the services of Newstars Futbol Academy represents a serious breach of trust on the part of the staff member or volunteer and is not acceptable under any circumstances;
– et children and young people have your personal contact details (mobile number or address);
– make sarcastic, insensitive, derogatory or sexually suggestive comments or gestures to or in front of children and young people;
– act in a way that can be perceived as threatening or intrusive;
– make inappropriate promises to children and young people, particularly in relation to confidentiality;
– jump to conclusions about others without checking facts;
– either exaggerate or trivialize child abuse issues;
– rely on your reputation or that of the organization to protect you.
Zero Tolerance Policy
Newstars Futbol Academy (NFA) is a strong supporter of making sport safe for our youth; NFA supports zero tolerance as it relates to all forms of abuse: verbal, physical, emotional, and sexual.
All relationships within NFA context – whether involving members of the Board of Directors, Club staff, coaches/managers, volunteers, players, parents/family members, supporters or referees – must be based on mutual trust and respect. Any act of abuse is a betrayal of that trust.
NFA will investigate and act upon all complaints or reports of inappropriate behavior.
This Zero Tolerance Policy attempts to respect diverse individual and cultural viewpoints while protecting individuals from real or perceived abuse.
Definitions of Abuse:
1. Verbal Abuse – Verbal abuse includes remarks that are rude or threatening in nature and that tend to demoralize or demean another person. Words that degrade another person constitute a form of verbal abuse.
· Verbal abuse includes racial or ethnic insults. All complaints of verbal abuse will be investigated by NFA and may be reported to police with the consent of the victim or, in the case of a minor, a parent.
2. Physical Abuse – Physical abuse refers to inappropriate behavior such as punching, pushing, slapping, kicking, spitting or pinching another individual. All complaints of physical abuse will be investigated by NFA and may be reported to police with the consent of the victim or, in the case of a minor, a parent.
3. Emotional Abuse – Emotional abuse signifies the lack of sensitivity on the part of anyone associated with NFA towards another individual. In particular, Club officials (Board members, coaches, and managers) should be aware of the power that is inherent in such positions and strive for sensitivity in dealing with individuals in positions of supervision (players, Club staff, volunteers) and with parents. Emotional abuse includes racial, physical or ethnic insults. All complaints of emotional abuse will be investigated by NFA.
4. Sexual Abuse – Sexual shall be defined as:
a) sexual intercourse or other forms of physical sexual relations between at least one individual associated with NFA and another person where the activity is not consensual
b) any and all sexual intercourse or other forms of sexual relations with a minor
c) touching of a sexual nature and
d) behaviour or remarks of a sexual nature
NFA will immediately report all complaints of sexual abuse to the police.
Reporting Guidelines and Procedures
1. Violations of the Zero Tolerance Policy should be reported immediately to NFA office by the victim(s) and/or by those close to them (a parent, a teammate, a coach etc.).
2. A complaint can be communicated verbally, initially, to a NFA official or employee but must be followed up in writing (letter and/or email). If the complaint involves physical or sexual abuse, NFA official or employee will contact the police if the individual alleging abuse has not already done so and with the individual’s consent.
3. All complaints of abuse will be immediately investigated by NFA.
4. All complaints to NFA must be in written form before a complaint is dealt with. However, NFA will immediately report criminal activities to the police (with the consent of the individual alleging abuse) without a written complaint.
5. Once a written complaint has been filed with NFA, NFA will discuss the complaint with the individual alleging abuse (note: in the case of sexual abuse, NFA may designate NFA official of the same gender as the individual alleging abuse to contact the victim).
6. A NFA official assigned to lead the investigation into the complaint will schedule a Discipline Hearing within ten (10) business days of notice in the individual(s) whom the complaints has been filed against. The individual(s) who are named on the complaint shall be contacted by registered mail and requested to appear at the Discipline Hearing.
7. In the case of Physical Abuse such as fighting, kicking, etc the Discipline Committee will decide between either a Discipline by Review or Discipline by Hearing process to determine appropriate penalties and/or suspensions.
9. The committee shall hold a hearing and invite the individual(s) named on the complaint to be present at the hearing. Only individuals called by the committee shall be allowed to participate in a hearing. The committee shall then deliberate in camera following the meeting with the individual(s) who are named on the complaint.
10. The decision shall be communicated to the individual alleging abuse and the individual named in the complaint within ten (10) working day of the Hearing.
11. Penalties for contravening the Zero Tolerance Policy can range from a permanent suspension from NFA, suspension for a specified period of time, and a probationary period where the individual is allowed to continue with NFA. All committee decisions are final.
12. OSA guidelines for suspensions and penalties may be used as guidance in rendering suspensions for physical abuse issues such as Violent Conduct (fighting, kicking, etc).
13. Individual(s) who are charged with a criminal offense involving Club related incidents shall be immediately suspended from NFA pending resolving of the charges. No Discipline Hearing shall take place when an individual is facing criminal charges for Club related incidents. NFA members who are convicted of a Criminal Code of Canada offense are subject to suspension or removal.
14. Any individual who is convicted of a criminal offense resulting from sexual or physical abuse shall be banned for life from NFA.
15. Individual(s) who violate the Zero Tolerance Policy for non-criminal activities may apply for reinstatement to NFA in writing one month prior to the end of a time specified penalty.
Handling Incidents of Abuse during a Recreational League Game (physical, verbal or emotional abuse)
1. The referee must suspend a game if an abuse incident involving a coach, player or parent/spectator occurs during a game.
2. If a coach is the source of the abuse, the referee will advise the coach that the game will be abandoned if the abuse continues.
3. If a parent/spectator is the source, the appropriate coach will be informed that the game will be abandoned unless the abuse ceases. If the source is a supporter, the appropriate coach will provide the referee with the name of the supporter and the coach must advise the fan that the next occurrence of a similar nature will result in abandonment of the game. If the spectator is not associated with either team, both coaches will be asked to speak to the spectator and request them to leave the field area.
4. The game will be restarted by the referee only if the abuse ceases, with a dropped ball at the location where the play was stopped.
5. The incident shall be reported to NFA Head Referee by the referee in charge immediately following the game completion or abandonment.
6. If the abuse continues, the referee will abandon the game and clearly indicate on the game sheet that the game was abandoned due to abuse.
7. The senior game official must immediately report the incident to NFA Head Referee and fill out a Special Incident Form within 24 hours.
8. In cases of physical abuse on a referee, a “Referee Assault Form” must be completed by the referee.
9. NFA will report all incidents of a criminal nature immediately to police.
Application – This Zero Tolerance Policy applies to:
1. All members of NFA Board of Directors
2. All NFA staff members
3. All coaches
4. All managers
5. All players
6. All parents/family members/guardians/caregivers
7. All referees
8. All volunteers
All NFA officials, volunteers, Club staff, coaches, managers, and referees must sign a form acknowledging their understanding and acceptance of the Zero Tolerance Policy. This Zero Tolerance Policy shall be posted on NFA’s website at all times and communicated to parents and players at the beginning of every program cycle. Ignorance of the Zero Tolerance Policy shall not be considered a valid defense against a complaint.
Inappropriate Behaviour Policy
Given Newstars Futbol Academy’s zero tolerance for abuse, NFA encourages a culture of communication regarding matters that place athletes at risk.
NFA supports and encourages a culture of communication-related to inappropriate behavior or suspected inappropriate behavior with athletes. If you see or suspect inappropriate interaction with or between athletes, it is your responsibility to report the inappropriate interaction to a coach, supervisor, team official, league official. Violations of the Zero Tolerance Policy should be reported immediately to NFA office by the victim(s) and/or by those close to them (a parent, a teammate, a coach etc.).
All complaints to NFA must be in written form before a complaint is dealt with. However, NFA will immediately report criminal activities to the police (with the consent of the individual alleging abuse) without a written complaint.
NFA will investigate and act upon all complaints or reports of inappropriate behavior
All reports of inappropriate behaviors or suspicions of abuse will be taken seriously and will
be reported, in accordance with this Code of Conduct and Ontario law, to law enforcement, Child Protective Services, or other appropriate agency
once a written complaint has been filed with NFA, NFA will discuss the complaint with the individual alleging abuse (note: in the case of sexual abuse, NFA may designate NFA official of the same gender as the individual alleging abuse to contact the victim).
NFA will immediately report all complaints of sexual abuse to the police.
Harassment and Discrimination Policy
The Newstars Futbol Academy harassment, abuse, and bullying policy apply to all programs. This policy includes contact and non-contact with all participants. Newstars Futbol Academy and its Directors, Staff, Volunteers, and Members must take the appropriate steps to ensure we safeguard and protect the participants.
What is Harassment, Abuse, and Bullying?
Harassment, abuse, and bullying is any behavior or action, verbal, nonverbal or sexual that causes another individual or group to feel intimidated, offended, embarrassed and/or humiliated at any time. This behavior is not acceptable towards any stakeholder at Newstars Futbol Academy including players, coaches, staff, directors, volunteers, parents and referees.
A few examples of Harassment:
• Unwanted physical contact including pinching, touching, patting, etc.
• Hazing
• Practical jokes that may be dangerous to a person’s safety and cause embarrassment and awkwardness
• Self-esteem threatening acts
• Jokes, innuendos or teasing regarding someone’s body, looks, race or sexual orientation etc.
Bullying is hurtful interpersonal mistreatment of an individual and can take place in four types:
• Physical – hitting, kicking, striking or damage to personal property
• Verbal – name-calling, teasing, insulting, etc.
• Relational – attempt to cut off victims from social connection by convincing others to exclude or reject a specific individual
• Reactive – taking part in bullying or provoking a bully with taunts
Academy Member’s Duty to Report
All Newstars Futbol Academy Directors, Staff, Coaches, Players, Parents, Guardians, and Volunteers with reasonable grounds to suspect an individual is or may be suffering from harassment, abuse or bullying must immediately report this suspicion and the factual information on which it is based to the proper authorities. This authority could be the Director, Coach, Parent, Child and Family Services or the local police department.
Refer to:
The Ontario Soccer Association (the OSA is our provincial governing body) is committed to
providing an environment free of harassment on the basis of race, national or ethnic origin, colour, religion, age, sex, sexual orientation, marital and family status or disability. The OSA has established a Harassment Policy and has organized a panel of District Harassment officers across the province.
Harassment is defined as any comment, conduct or gesture directed toward an individual or group of individuals which is insulting, intimidating, humiliating, malicious, degrading or offensive. It includes but is not limited to, sexual harassment.
This policy applies to all directors, officers, volunteers, team officials, referees, administrators, athletes and registrants of the OSA.
A person who experiences harassment is encouraged to make it known to the harasser that the behavior is unwelcome, offensive and contrary to OSA policy. If confronting the harasser is not possible, or if after confronting the harasser, the harassment continues, the complainant should seek the advice of a Provincial Harassment Officer.
To contact a Provincial Harassment Officer:
Ontario Soccer Association
7601 Martin Grove Road Vaughan, ON, L4L 9E4 (905)-264-9390
When an NFA Coach, Volunteer Coach, Assistant Coach or Manager is in a potentially vulnerable situation with any NFA player such as in a locker room or meeting room, another NFA Coach, Volunteer Coach, Assistant Coach, Manager or the parent/guardian of the player(s) must be present. In any one-on-one situation with any NFA player, there must be a Coach, Assistant Coach or Manager of the same gender present, or the player’s parent/guardian must be present.
- Conduct shall always reflect honesty, sportsmanship, courtesy and mutual respect towards each other
- Policies, procedures, rules, and regulations of the academy must be followed at all times
- All participants are expected to comply with the dress code. This includes the full practice and/or game uniform – shin guards must always be worn by all players.
- Players and their parents/guardians shall uphold the highest standards of the game, exhibit cooperative, positive, encouraging attitude at all times.
- All players are expected to comply with team travel arrangements and schedules for tournaments. Players requiring special arrangements due to personal circumstances must make such arrangements through the coach, prior to travel.
- All players are expected to remain with the team during travel and at competition locations, unless specific permission is received.
- During travel, tournaments, and competition with other clubs, NFA is responsible for the players’ conduct
- Harassment or discrimination in any form is prohibited.
- All players are expected to conduct themselves in a sportsmanlike manner.
- Athletes are not to wander around the school
- Athletes are not to play with soccer balls in the hallways
- All outer doors of the schools are to remain closed at all times. Athletes or parents shall not prop open the outer doors for any reason.